The Challenge:
An Pharmaceutical company needed to optimize supply chain efficiencies in order to keep up with projected growth. Sourcing from multiple warehouses led to operational inefficiencies, a sizeable inventory backlog and a less than robust distribution network. Supply chain consolidation and restructuring necessary for future growth projections.
Flagging sales with an outsized distribution network
Enhanced Network Modeling of Distribution Centers
Strained growth strained due to media-related negative reputation
nVntori logistics experts tasked with evaluating reorganization of supply chain
Demonstrated Capabilities:
Reduction of excess inventory
Install fulfillment center model
Set goal to achieve $3-$7M/year in savings due to supply chain efficiencies
Thorough investigation and evaluation of existing supply chain infrastructure
Assume operations functions to reduce cost and provide climate for steady grow
Customized Solutions:
Implemented 90-day operations plan
Applied proven supply chain logistics technologies to boost efficiency
Created custom operations solutions based on key performance indicators
Initial logistics assessment with estimated cost savings delivered to private equity partners
Distribution center costs, fulfillment center expenditure, consolidation of third-party logistics contracts and annual savings goals
Installed operations management team to ensure implementation of nVntori custom solutions and provide for maximum profitability
Results Impacted:
Annual Savings = $3-$7M
Distribution Center Reorganization = Over $2M
Renegotiation of 3rd Party Logistics Contracts = $3M